adapter - adaptor
akadémia - academy
aktív - active
album - album
aligátor - alligator
alkohol - alcohol
allergia - allergy
allergiás - allergic
alumínium - aluminum
Amerikai - American
analízis - analysis
anatómia - anatomy
angyal - angel
aszpirin - aspirin
asztrológia - astrology
atom - atom
avokádó - avocado
autó - automobile
banán - banana
bank - bank
bár - bar
biciklizni - to ride a bicycle
biológia - biology
bomba - bomb
brokkoli - broccoli
busz - bus
centiméter - centimeter
civilizáció - civilization
cukkini - zucchini
demokrácia - democracy
depresszió - depression
dezodor - deodorant
diéta - diet
digitális - digital
diktátor - dictator
diplomata - diplomat
diszkó - disco
dizájn - design
dokumentum - document
dráma - drama
elefánt - elephant
energia - energy
fasiszta - fascist
feminista - feminist
fesztivál - festival
film - film/movie
filozófia - philosophy
fisika - physics
fonetikus - phonetic
futball - football/soccer
gáz - gas
gigantikus - gigantic
globális - global
gorilla - gorilla
hamburger - hamburger
helikopter - helicopter
hobbi - hobby
hotdog - hot dog
hotel - hotel
idióta - idiot
illegális - illegal
információ - information
intelligens - intelligent
interjú - interview
internet -internet
joghurt - yogurt
kalória - calorie
kamera - camera
karfiol - cauliflower
kastély - castle
kaszinó - casino
katedrális - cathedral
kategória - category
katolikus - catholic
kenguru - kangaroo
keresztény - christian
ketchup - ketchup
kilogramm - kilogram
kilométer - kilometer
kobra - cobra
kola - cola
kolléga - colleague
kombináció - combination
komédia - comedy
kommunizmus - communism
koncepció - concept
koncert - concert
konferencia - conference
korrupt - corrupt
krokodil - crocodile
kontinens - continent
lámpa - lamp
laptop - laptop
leopárd - leopard
lista - list
liter - liter
logika - logic
magazin - magazine
mangó - mango
maraton - marathon
matematika - mathematics
menedzser - manager
méter - meter
metró - metro
mikrofon - microphone
milliliter - milliliter
milliméter - millimeter
modern - modern
molekula - molecule
monitor - monitori
muszlim - muslim
múzeum - museum
negatív - negative
oliva -olive
opera - opera
oregano - oregano
oxigén - oxygen
parlament - parliament
papír - paper
park - park
piknik - picnic
pisztácia - pistachio
pizza - pizza
politika - politics
pozitív - positive
poszter - poster
program - program
propaganda - propaganda
pulóver - pullover
rádió - radio
rizs - rice
robot - robot
rozmaring - rosemary
rózsa - rose
szalámi - salami
saláta - salad/lettuce
sampon - shampoo
sofőr - driver (chauffeur)
sport - sport(s)
szauna - sauna
szendvics - (“send-weech”) sandwich
szex - sex
szirup - syrup
szóda - soda
szoftver - software
szuper - super
taxi - taxi
tea - tea
telefon - telephone
televízió - television
tigris - tiger
toalett - toilet
tofu -tofu
tragédia - tragedy
troli - trolley
tulipán - tulip
túra - tour
turista - tourist
vakáció - vacation
videó - video
vipera - viper
vulkán - volcano
zebra - zebra
IMPORTANT: These words sound and/or look SIMILAR to English words...NOT EXACTLY, though. These tricks are meant to create an image in your mind to remind you of new words. The sentences may be silly, but often the sillier the sentence, the more likely you are to remember it!
ablak - window He threw a block (ablak) out the window.
ad - to give It is odd to give someone an ad.
áll - he/she stands Al stands all the time.
anya - mother Mom checks to see if any is on ya (anya).
bab - bean Bob likes beans.
bal - left Kick the ball (bal) to the left.
barna - brown The barn(a) is brown.
bejárat - entrance Bay are at (bejárat) the entrance.
bent - inside The inside is bent.
billentyusit - keyboard The keyboard? Bill ain’t use it.
boldog - happy He was happy he got a bulldog (boldog).
bolt - store Go to the store to buy a bolt.
bor - wine It is such a bor(e) to drink wine.
buli - party There is a bully at the party.
csak - only Only he knows about the chalk.
család - family My family is like a magic salad.
divat - fashion The diva knows fashion.
dugó - traffic jam In a traffic jam, tell the cars to please do go!
ebéd - lunch I want to eat lunch in a bed.
ég - sky There is an egg (ég) in the sky!
egész - whole/all The baby said he wanted the whole “eggys”.
elég - enough A man with one foot said a leg is enough.
előtt - in front of Eliott is in front of a lot of people.
ember - person That person was burned to an ember.
enni - to eat Do you want to eat any food?
ennyi lesz csak - that’s all Any less chalk? No, that’s all.
fa - tree. Sing “fa la la” around the Christmas tree.
fagyi - ice cream. It is too foggy for ice cream.
falu - village Follow me to the village.
fél - half Half of it fel(l) on the floor.
félénk - shy I’m feeling kinda shy.
férj - husband Her husband is the tooth fairy.
finom - delicious That was so delicious it was phenomenal!
fog - tooth I can't see my tooth in the fog.
folyó - river I dropped some foil in the river.
fül - ear Only a fool does not listen with their ear.
gondol - think I ride in a gondola to think.
gyomor - stomach Yo! More! for my stomach!
haj - hair Say “hi” to your hair!
hal - fish The fish was swimming down the hal(l).
halász - fisherman That fisherman better haul ass and catch some!
hall - hear I hear him down the hall.
három - three There were three girls in the harem.
ház - house He has (ház) a house.
hegy - mountain A hedge (hegy) was growing on the mountain.
helyes - correct Hell yes that is correct!
hét - seven I hate the number seven!
hétfő - Monday He has a hateful attitude towards Mondays.
híd - bridge He hid under the bridge.
híres (hee-rehs) - famous He only hires (spelling) famous people.
hó - snow Santa says “Hó, hó, hó!” when he sees snow.
hol - where Where is the hole?
hold - moon I want to hold the moon.
hálózsák - sleeping bag An empty sleeping bag is a “hollow sack.”
holnap - tomorrow I’ll take a whole nap tomorrow.
hőmérséklet - temperature When the temperature drops we say, “Homer shake it!”
hat - six It is hot at six.
húsz - twenty Whose 20 dollar bill is this?
iránytű - compass A compass is good for finding Iran too.
itt - here I want to eat (pronounced) it (spelled) here.
kanál - spoon I dropped my spoon in the canal.
kar - arm Don’t stick your arm out of the car.
kedd - Tuesday Ked’s Shoes are only open on Tuesday.
kék - blue The cake is blue.
kettő - two There are two kettles on the stove.
kijárat - exit Keys are at (kijárat) the exit.
köd - fog I could see the fog.
konzerv - canned food Canned food is well conserved.
kórház - hospital The city core has (kórház) a hospital.
kötél - rope The “K” Hotel has some rope.
láb - leg They are doing studies on my leg in the lab.
laksz - you live Are there locks (laksz) where you live?
lát - see I see a lot (lát).
lila - purple Lila(cs) are purple.
liszt - flour Put flour on the shopping list.
ló - horse The horse is too low for me.
ma - today Ma, what is today?
megy - to go I go to Meg’s house.
mellett - next to The one next to you, give Mel it.
mennyi - how many How many is too many?
most - now Now I think about it the most (mosht).
mozi - movie theater Let’s mosey (mozi) along to the movie theater.
művész - artist This artist likes to watch movies.
nap - sun Take a nap in the sun.
néhány - some Some people put their knee on their hand.
nővér (noo-ver) - nurse/older sister I never see the nurse or her older sister.
orr - nose Do you like this nose or(r) that nose?
ott - there We ought to go there.
péntek - Friday I eat pancakes on Friday.
pénz - money You need money to buy pens.
repülőgép - airplane I fly on Republic (repülőgép) airlines.
sok (shok) - many It was a shock to many.
sör - beer Are you sure (sör) you want a beer?
száj - mouth You sigh (száj) with your mouth.
szék - chair Sit in the chair for a sec.
szél - sail The wind blows the sail.
szelet - slice What do you do with a slice of meat? Sell it!
sziget - island On an island if food you see, get it!
szín - color That color can be seen.
szó - word There are so many words!
szobor - sculpture These sculptures are so boring.
szombat - Saturday Some bats like to fly on Saturday.
szomszéd - neighbor Some said he's a good neighbor.
térkép - map I need a map of Turkey (térkép)
test - body In my biology class I have a test on the body.
titok - secret TikTok is a secret in Hungary.
tíz - ten Don’t tease (tíz) a ten year old.
tó - lake I like to dip my toe (tó) in the lake.
toll - pen You can pay your toll with a pen.
történelem - history The history of tortilla in Jerusalem is történelem.
ujj - finger Oo-ee! Look at that finger!
úszás - swim He uses (oo-sahsh) his arms to swim.
valami - something Is salami with a v something?
vihar - storm We hear (vee har) there’s a storm a-coming!
zöld - green The green one is old.
angolna - anguila
autó - auto
autobusz - autobús
bálna - ballena
blúz - blusa
brokkoli - brócoli
busz - bus
ceremónia - ceremonia
delfin - delfín
egzakt – exacto
elefánt - elefante
energia - energía
fóka - foca
gorilla - gorila
hamburger - hamburguesa
helikopter - helicóptero
kamion - camión
kávé - café
kenguru - canguro
kolibri - colibrí
krokodil - cocodrilo
menta - menta
narancs - naranja
papagáj - papagayo
papája - papaya
pelikán - pelícano
pilóta - piloto
pingvin - pingüino
polip - pulpo
rádió - radio
rubin - rubí
skorpió - escorpión
sofőr - chófer
taxi -taxi
telefon - teléfono
tigris - tigre
tradíció – tradición
traktor - tractor
vanília - vainilla
zebra - zebra
zsiráf - jirafa
baktériumbacteriabiológiabiologíabandabanda, pandillabiológusbiólogobankbancobiotechnologíabiotecnologíabaptistabautistabombabombabiciklibicicletabürokrataburócratabikinibikinibürokratikusburocraciabilaterálisbilateral
egoistaegoistaepidermiszepidermisegoizmusegoismoerekcióerecciónegzisztenciaexistenciaergonómiaergonomíaegzisztencialistaexistencialistaerotikuseróticoegzisztencializmusexistencialismoerózióerosiónegzotikusexóticoetnikalétnicoelektródelectrodoetnikumétnicoelektrokardiográfelectrocardiógrafoetnográfiaetnografíaelektrokardiogramelectrocardiogramaetnográfusetnógrafoelektroliziselectrólisiseukaliptuszeucaliptoelektronikaelectrónicaeufóriaeuforiaemirátusemiratoevangélikusevangélicoenegikusenérgicoevangelistaevangelista evangéliumevangelioepikusépicoexpanzionistaexpasionistaepilógusepílogoexpanzionizmusexpansionismoevolúcióevoluciónexpedícióexpediciónelefántelefante
kollégacolegakólaCola – refrescokultúracultura
telefonteléfono móbiltragédiatragediatigristigreturistaturista
csikó (potro) - chico
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